Quiz: Which journalism programme should you take?
Choosing a programme that serves your needs is your best bet for success. Source: Shutterstock

Journalism in today’s era is insightful, dynamic and instant.

With little more than the flash of a screen and the simple touch of a button, global news stories have the power to take the world and the internet by storm.

Due to the rise of new technologies, there’s been a dramatic increase in journalistic styles. From citizen to comics journalism, there’s now a diverse range of forms to suit individual preference.

So, which journalism study programme suits you best?

Do you enjoy crunching numbers and analysing data?

Source: Rawpixel/ Unsplash

Are you constantly keeping up with the latest celebrity gossip?

Source: Keenan Constance/Unsplash

Do you prefer image-based journalism?

Source: Clem Onojeghuo/Unsplash

Do you find life more interesting when viewed through a lens?

Source: Paul Skorupskas/Unsplash

What type of journalism programme should you take?
Data Journalism

If you're a big fan of numerical data and snazzy graphs and charts, data journalism is the ideal course for you! Since the digital era is jam-packed full of fake news, data journalism helps clamp down on the validity of findings and helps you to paint the truth.
Backpack Journalism

As an emerging form of journalism, backpack journalism means that you're a 'Jack of all trades'. Requiring you become a photographer, a videographer and reporter, graduates of this field leave with an astonishing set of skills!
Comics Journalism

Comics and Graphic Journalism is an incredible form of art. By capturing the story through hand-drawn lines and comical expressions, you'll engage readers through a compelling visual style. This is a rewarding course to graduate from and one you'll definitely enjoy!
Tabloid Journalism

Traditional tabloid journalism has been around for centuries. And with all the exciting technology out there in the field, you can upgrade your skillset and take your stories to the next level. Try out tabloid journalism and get stuck into celebrity gossip and breaking news.

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